- Met at 1045am, had a very early lunch togr at SgPost Kopitiam
- Proceed to Hougang Ave 1 to meet up with our mpc group members to discuss with our homework
- As there's nothing much to discuss, we decided to go up early to our presentg couple's house
- We were warmly greeted by the host
- Managed to discuss our homework within an hour and we had a short toilet break
- After this, there were further sharings from Ken&Ann
- We were all very touched especially when Annie told us that there are prayer groups faithfully prayg for us couples
- The session ended around 5pm, we were once again grouped into 2 groups to discuss with our couple pak 2
- Next, we went to Marina Sq for some shopping
- Our dinner is at Jack's Plc
- Spent some lovely moments togr at Marina Barrage